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Rotary Youth Driver Awareness Program

This program targets “awareness” and “attitudinal change” and seeks to encourage year 10 students, who are on the verge of driving or at least are actively thinking about it, to take a more responsible attitude to motoring.


Comprising six sessions, it is a one-day event held either on campus or at a non-school site. The programme co-ordinates the efforts of local road safety experts, driving instructors, the Police, recovering victims of road accidents, and drug & alcohol educators in such a way that students are made aware of the privilege and responsibilities of owning and driving a motor vehicle.


Counsellors from the Road Trauma Support Group are in attendance each day to assist with students who may need some guidance.

This programme is for grade 10 secondary school students and is held each year at several locations around Tasmania.


The Rotary Club of Devonport North coordinates and conducts sessions each year at Queenstown, Smithton, Camp Clayton and every second year on King Island with approximately 20 schools participating. Over 70 schools state wide participate in the program. All 9 Rotary Clubs from Latrobe to Wynyard are invited to be involved by providing group leaders and road marshals for each day at Camp Clayton over the eight days the program is presented there. The Rotary Clubs of Queenstown and Smithton also assist with organisation and catering.

Our motto for this programme is "If we can save just one life or serious injury, the program is worthwhile"

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