The RYDA year launched at the Zeehan Study Hub on Monday, October 23, 2023, where 18 Year 10 students from Queenstown High and Rosebery High gathered for the sessions. Student numbers were lower than previous years, but the spirit of the event remained high.
The second RYDA session for 2023, saw our team heading to King Island on Friday, December 8th. We held the sessions at the Grassy High School Campus, welcoming 20 eager Year 9 and Year 10 students. A dedicated team of three Rotarians, along with crash survivor Matthew Woodberry, delivered both the Zeehan and King Island programs.
From King Island, it was a quick turnaround to our final presentation for 2023 at Smithton High on Monday, December 11th. This time, we had a fantastic turnout, with 64 students from Smithton High and Circular Head Christian School. Once again led by Matthew Woodbery, alongside a wonderful team of five facilitators.
In May 2024, from the 14th to 17th and the 28th to 31st, we wrapped up the RYDA program for the Rotary year, at Camp Clayton. We were thrilled to present to 1,038 Year 10 students from 19 schools across Northwest Tasmania and Queenstown High from the West Coast. Over eight days, we held a whopping 36 thirty-minute sessions each day. These sessions were made even more effective with the support of volunteer Rotary members acting as group leaders.
A big shout out to the Rotary Clubs on the Northwest Coast for their unwavering support. Your dedication ensures this valuable program continues to educate Year 10 students about road safety.
Our facilitators at Camp Clayton travelled from all over Tasmania, and their commitment to delivering these crucial road safety messages professionally is truly appreciated.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to the Devonport North RYDA team: Kelly Hicks for the tough job of coordinating schools to the RYDA schedule, Bruce Buxton and Peter Chalk for their dedication to facilitating and venue setup over the two-week period, and RYDA committee members Russell Brownlie and Vicki Russell for your support.
We couldn't have done it without our amazing team: Speed and Stopping Drivers, Rod Owers, Leon Peck, and Leigh Murphy; Group Leaders, Greg Astell, Rick Campbell, Kevin Matthews, Ross Stewart, Leigh Titmus, and Tony Davies; Honorary Members, Gerald O’Day and Steve Rockliff; and crash survivor Matthew Woodberry. A special thanks to our Day Managers, John van der Woude and Peter Chalk.
My sincere appreciation goes out to the 17 Devonport North Rotary members, two honorary Devonport North members, eleven facilitators, and the forty-eight Rotary volunteers. You all made this possible!
John Cook
RYDA Chairperson