Dinner & Social Bowls
Dinner and Social Bowls Day
27-28th August
Support Rotary Intentational Services Fundraising.
Help support the fantastic work our state and national Rotarians are doing in these areas.
Rotary Against Malaria (RAM)
Food Plant Solutions
Disaster Aid
Water Bores for Tanzania
Timor Leste
We invite you to join us for this fundraising event. Make a weekend of it!
No previous experience required. Consider forming teams of 4 or come and
make up a team with others. Prizes awarded. Raffles and corporate support encouraged.
Help support the fantastic work our State and National Rotarians are doing in these areas.
Further info, suggestion and support - James Roberts-Thomson (Rotary Club of Devonport North) Ph: 0408 439 264 or jamesrt57@gmail.com.
Entries close 21st August, please forward your applications as soon as possible.
Max 64 players.
Join us 27th - 28th of August to support the fantastic work of state and national Rotarians.
Saturday 27th August 6PM - Fundraising & Information Dinner at Devonport Country Club
Sunday 28th of August 8:45AM - Social indoor bowls morning followed by lunch (croquet and golf are options)
Cost - $150 for both events or $50 for bowls only
Payment - BSB 633000 | ACC 111457552
(please reference your name)
Contact - 0408 439 264, James Roberts -Thomson